CAS 2 Ticket Validation Response

Sample CAS 2 Successful Ticket Validation Response (formatted for legibility)[1]:

<cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas=''> [2]
  <cas:authenticationSuccess> [3]
    <cas:user>de3</cas:user> [4]


Sample CAS 2 Unsuccessful Ticket Validation Response (formatted for legibility)[1]:

<cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas=''> [2]
  <cas:authenticationFailure code="INVALID_TICKET">
    Ticket 'ST-1402-0RwQL4YfoydrrJwiI80WitPnFiccasdevapp01' not recognized


1. Available via:


2. A ticket validation response consists of a <serviceResponse> element which contains either an <authenticationSuccess> element or an <authenticationFailure> element.

<cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas=''> 

3. The <authenticationSuccess> element contains a single <user> element and indicates that the user has successfully logged in:


4. The <user> element contains the UNI:


5. No additional attributes are available.